The Queen's English and How to Use it
By Bernard C Lamb
"The Queen's English" shows how the English language, used properly, has great power to instruct, move and entertain people, but used incorrectly can lead to a lack of clarity and confusion. This book informs in a light-hearted way, reminding readers how to use the basics of grammar, punctuation and spelling, as well as further teaching them new tips and tricks of style, rhetoric and vocabulary. The book also shows the perils of using language incorrectly, offering extremely (if unintentionally) humorous examples of where bad English can cause one thing to mean something entirely different!
From the Author:
This is a practical, easily understood book to help anyone improve his or her English. It deals with the most useful aspects of grammar, punctuation and spelling, with simple ways of remembering words which are often misspelled or confused. The phrase in the title, The Queen's English, refers to clear correct English, as used by educated people for everyday communication; it is not the preserve of the monarchy or any class, race or district.
Published by Michael O'Mara.
".....But I did write Eats, Shoots & Leaves, and I very much enjoyed the process. It turned out that punctuation was the perfect subject for a book, because I could describe it, trace its origins, give the rules (in an abbreviated and idiosyncratic way), and also mount a staunch defence of it. People often say that the genius of the book was the title, and I'm glad they think so. I came up with the whole proposal for the book (including the title and the idea for the panda up a ladder on the cover)....."
This book is a firm favourite with so many people, especially those who love the English language. It is widely available, but your first point of interest might perhaps be The Lynne Truss Website.
The Queen's English Society's Practical Guide to Punctuation...
is here published in full within the QES web pages, for your use and enjoyment. This little gem of a guide, by Dr Bernard Lamb, is small but packed with all the facts you will need to tame those little punctuation marks that so many of us find confusing.
Why not own a hard copy, too? For just £3.00 plus postage, a copy will be posted directly to you, while stocks last. In the first instance, please contact Dr Lamb to make arrangements to receive your copy.
by Susan Elkin
Published by Nick Hern Books, March 2013.
Mind the Gaffe: The Penguin Guide to Common Errors in English
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Correct English
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Usage and Abusage: A Guide to Good English
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Penguin dictionary of English grammar
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