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JUDGE'S REPORT - POETRY COMPETITION THEMED 'ANNIVERSARY'   What a pleasure and how interesting it was to read 176 poems by 90 poets, their thoughts, talents and efforts.  Most entries were in free verse though there were villanelles, sonnets, one acrostic and some rhymed poems of no classic form.   In this competition themed Anniversary, 1887 by Catrin Mascall...

Facebook launch

In 2022, the Queen’s English Society celebrated its 50th anniversary and half a century of promoting clear and elegant expression of the English language. As we enter our sixth decade, we are delighted to have launched our updated Facebook page on which we will issue regular bulletins relating to the society’s activities.    One of those activities...

The Society's name: The Queen's English Society

'The King’s English’ or ‘The Queen’s English’ is a colloquial term that, in common parlance, denotes ‘standard’ or ‘correct’ English; its use is metaphorical, not signifying any literal proprietorship by the monarch. Indeed, the English actually used by the monarch in speech has been commonly heard over our airwaves for...