The current programme
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The current programme

Thursday 23rd May, 2024, Zoom only. 7 p.m. ending by 8.30 p.m.

Poetry? This will be a led discussion by members about what is or is not a poem, with examples. Letters in Quest suggest that members have strong feelings about this. Bernard Lamb will host it.


Thursday 13th June, 2024, Zoom only. 7 p.m. ending by 8.30 p.m.

Ray Ward will describe how a literary interest evolved into a quite different one - and an interesting view by a noted writer (not him!). He writes: I can, I think, claim to be well-informed and have wide interests, and one is space, which I came to by a slightly odd route with literary connections. How I acquired an interest in that connecting matter, met some very distinguished names in the field (two of them at the same time!), and eventually, gradually, lost interest, is a theme I will expand on, ending with some perceptive and interesting thoughts by a very distinguished writer, and my own take on one aspect of his views.


The Talks and Readings programme will then take a summer break. Offers to give talks or suggestions of topics will be most welcome. Please contact Bernard Lamb (details inside the front cover). He will also be happy to receive items for the Queen’s English Society Prize for Excellent English. They must be of prose published in the particular year, with long items such as books represented by a short extract. Closing date for items published in 2023, 31st May, 2024; for those published in 2024, 31st May, 2025. 


Bernard Lamb, Head of the talks and readings subcommittee